
Semantic Wikis and Applications

December 7, 2009  0900-1200

Jesse Jiaxin Wang | Vulcan Inc., US
Yaron Koren | WikiWorks, US

Abstract: This tutorial will provide an introduction to semantic wikis: a smart combination of semantic web technology and wiki-based social mechanisms. Semantic web technologies have been popular for several years, and have recently been applied to social media and web publication problems. Semantic wikis are a practical way to combine both and offer great power and flexibility to the users.  This tutorial will cover what semantic wikis are, the history of semantic wikis, the state of art, useful applications and trends. The first half will be an overview of semantic wikis, the syntax and the power, with examples of popular wikis such as Semantic MediaWiki (SMW), IkeWiki, Kiwi, Confluence etc. The second part will go deep into the popular SMW, and address some of its popular extensions, e.g., Halo, semantic forms, visualizations and so on, plus real-world applications, including one to integrate SMW with Microsoft Office applications. Attendees can have the option to use the provided DVD for hands-on experiments with a project management wiki.

For more information, see http://aswc-smw-tutorial.referata.com/

Semantic Search

December 7, 2009  0900-1700

Miriam Fernandez | Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
Thanh Tran Duc | Institute AIFB, KIT, DE
Haofen Wang | Apex Data & Knowledge Management Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN

Abstract: Semantic search has attracted a large community of researchers, practitioners and industry people. As a result of its popularity, the term “semantic search” is used in different context with different meaning. Taking the variety of work published recently into account, semantic search is not one single type of application but rather, refers to a broad range of systems, which involve the use of semantics. In this tutorial, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the different types of semantic search systems, and discuss the differences in the techniques underlying them. Both the application of Semantic Web technologies to the IR problem and vice versa, the application of IR techniques to Semantic Web problem are covered by this tutorial. In particular, focus is given to four topics of semantic search which have attracted much interest recently. The first is one is Semantic- enabled Document Retrieval, i.e. the application of Semantic Web technologies to the IR problem. The second is Semantic Data Retrieval, which concerns with (the application of IR techniques to) the retrieval of semantic data. While the use of semantics is the essential theme in these two major components of the tutorial, Hybrid Search is a complementary part that illustrates the convergence of search paradigms. Last but not least, the user factor in search will be discussed. The aim of the tutorial is to shed some lights on “semantic search” and provoke ideas for future development.

For more information, see

Explanation of OWL Entailments and Its Role in Inconsistency Handling in OWL 

December 7, 2009  1400-1700

Guilin Qi | Southeast University, CN
Qiu Ji | University of Karlsruhe, DE

Abstract: The W3C organization proposed the Web Ontology Language(OWL) for representing ontologies, which is based on Description Logics (DLs). With well-defined semantics from DLs, some important ontology reasoning tasks emerged, including classical  reasoning tasks like computing entailments of a DL knowledge base. When an undesirable  entailment is encountered, the users often want to find explanation of such an entailment. Finding the justifications for an entailment (i.e., minimal sets of axioms responsible for it) in Description Logics (DL) is a prominent reasoning service in ontology engineering to support explanation functionalities. In this tutorial, we will give an overview of the work on finding explanation or justifications of OWL entailments. We will show how approaches to finding justification for OWL entailment can be applied to deal with inconsistencies in OWL. Finally, we will direct the audiences to use a NeOn Toolkit plugin, called RaDON (Repair and Diagnosis in Ontology Networks), to demonstrate how to debug inconsistencies and repair them.

For more information, see